The elected President of Paraguay will be received in Montevideo by Tabaré Vázquez – MercoPress


The elected President of Paraguay will be received in Montevideo by Tabaré Vázquez

Monday, July 2, 2018 – 09:15 UTC
  The appointed Chancellor, Luis Castiglioni, confirmed that President Tabaré Vázquez will receive Abdo Benítez in the tower executive, seat of the Uruguayan government
The appointed Chancellor, Luis Castiglioni, confirmed that President Tabaré Vázquez will receive Abdo Benítez in the executive tower, seat of the Uruguayan government.
  This Monday morning also in Montevideo The 18 parliamentarians of Mercosur will be sworn in by representatives of Paraguay elected April 22
This Monday morning also in Montevideo, the 18 parliamentarians of Mercosur will be sworn in by representatives of Paraguay elected on 22 April

Paraguayan President-elect Mario Abdo Benítez will visit his future Uruguayan colleague Tabaré Vázquez in Montevideo on Monday, 2 July. The appointed Foreign Minister, Luis Castiglioni, confirmed that the President of Uruguay, Tabaré Vázquez, will receive Abdo Benítez at 11:00, in the executive tower, seat of the Uruguayan government.

Castiglioni added that later, the Uruguayan Chancellor Rodolfo Nin Novoa, will offer a lunch to the Paraguayan delegation, which will also be integrated by the elected Vice President Hugo Velázquez.

According to the data, Monday morning the delegation of the elected president will leave for Montevideo in private flight. From the Uruguayan capital, the delegation will visit in the afternoon in Santiago de Chile

The future Chancellor Castiglioni informed that the President of Chile, Sebastián Piñera, will receive Tuesday, July 3, his future colleague Mario Abdo Benítez at the Palacio de la Moneda. The meeting is scheduled for 1 pm Then a luncheon will be hosted by Chilean Foreign Minister Roberto Ampuero Espinoza. At the end of the reception, Marito and his delegation will return to Asunción in the afternoon

On Monday morning in Montevideo, the 18 Paromentaires of Mercosur will be sworn in by representatives of Paraguay elected on April 22nd. According to sources in Asunción, maintaining the Paraguayan delegation in Parlasul costs $ 4,600,000 a year

According to the official agenda, the elected parliamentarians went to Montevideo on Saturday afternoon. This Monday morning at 09:00, the 18 Paraguayan legislators will swear to their counterparts in Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and Venezuela. Then they will join the commissions the rest of the day and Tuesday and they will return to their home country, Wednesday at noon. The delegation is composed of ten colorados; seven liberals and one from the Guasu Front.

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