The end of the popular pharmacy in Maipú? Cathy Barriga announces an agreement with "Salcobrand"


On Monday, November 5, at 11:30 am, Cathy Barriga Guerra, mayor of Maipú, and Mauricio Caviglia, head of the Salcobrand pharmacy chain, will gather at Pajaritos Avenue No. 2624, where they will sign an agreement with the municipality local. they are called "historical".

According to the press release, Salcobrand's pharmacy will have "more than 1,000 drugs with a reduction of up to 97% permanently, at prices even lower than in popular pharmacies".

The press release states that "it is a very important aid to the Maipucina community, as it is the second largest municipality in Chile with more than 500 000 inhabitants, many of whom are elderly people for whom this reduction will positively affect their quality of life. "

<img data-attachment-id =" 25574 "data-permalink =" / 2018/11/05 / el-fin-de-the-farmacia-popular-en-maipu-cathy-barriga-anuncia-convenio-con-salcobrand / cambio-de-imagen-de-farmacia-salcobrand / "data- orig-file = "" data-orig-size = "2362, 1683 "data-comments-opened =" 1 "data-image-meta =" {"aperture": "0", "credit": "RODRIGO ZUNIGA", "camera": "", "caption": "26.02. 2008 IMAGEN CORPORATIVA CHAMBIO DE FARMACIAS SALCOBRAND, LOCAL MONEDA ESQUINA AHUMADA FARMACIA SALCOBRAND IMAGEN CAMBIO "," created_timestamp ":" 1204045812 "," copyright ":" ", "focal_length": "0", "iso": "0", "shutter_speed": "0", "title": "FARMACIA IMAGEN CAMBIO SALCOBRAND", "orientation": "1"} "data-image- title = "IMAGEN CAMBIO OF FARMACIA SALCOBRAND" data-image-description = "" data-medium-file = " .jpg? fit = 640% 2C456 & ssl = 1 "data-large-file =" 2C855 & ssl = 1 "clbad =" size-large wp-image-25574 "src =" % 2C855 & ssl = 1 "alt =" Image via [19659005HERImagenviahttp://girovisualcl/condenan-a-salcobrand-por-mantener-canela/[19659005] Bar Riga, who has recently had problems due to his relationship with commercial brands, where he showed an inability to establish clear boundaries between his role as mayor and the influence of social networks, will appear by train to sign an agreement with the same chain of pharmacies that was sentenced to obtain an economic benefit of $ 6,539 million ($ 10.1 million), after agreeing to increase the price of drugs with Cruz Verde and Farmacias Ahumada.

The mayor of Maipú decides to seek an agreement with Salcobrand. , same pharmacy as according to a study of the Citizens Pro-Defense Committee of 2009, "would have personal information about the customers of Isapres Cruz Blanca and Consalud". Specifically, Salcobrand would have had access to members' excess health care plans, amounts used for the purchase of drugs.

However, Barriga's move is not new. His father-in-law, the Mayor of Las Condes: Joaquin Lavin started last year with a model that he called "The pharmacy of the middle clbad". Through social networks, the mayor asked what remedies were being consumed by the elderly. He has therefore made a list that is offered, badured the press to the mayor "at prices equal to or lower than those of the popular pharmacies." The "benefit" is available to residents of Las Condes who have a valid resident card, identity card and medical prescription within 30 days of being issued. Where do the people of Las Condes buy medicine ?, in the chain of pharmacies in Salcobrand.


Barriga's father-in-law said that the pharmacy model that he defends was better than the popular pharmacy because the benefits are "for everyone, without depending on the level of income ". In addition, he said that "the public pharmacies have only one place of care, usually the municipality, there are 35 places to serve people, especially the elderly who will not be obliged to go there; the same way, there will be no stock problem or obligation to wait 35 or 40 days, but we wanted people to take the medicine in a hurry "

The Truth is that the popular pharmacy of Maipú is serious stock problems There is no doubt that the signing of the agreement between Barriga and Salcobrand clearly indicates that the mayor prefers in this case work with the pharmacy chains rather than promote the health and access to medicines as a right.

The agreement signed by Barriga is not advantageous for neighbors because, unlike popular pharmacies, you can not, for example, buy the right amount of tablets prescribed by the doctor.

The signing of the agreement by Barriga is an image wash for a chain that has not only acted as a cartel at the time of collusion in prices. It's also a chain that lies to the public. Salcobrand recorded the dominance represented by the studio Federico Villaseca on June 13, 2015. After the news, social networks aroused a stir because SalcoBrand represents the opposite of the spirit of a popular pharmacy. . In fact, the chain of pharmacies maintained that the domain had been registered in 2013 and that it was presenting a trademark registration document of the National Institute of Intellectual Property (INAPI), where they appeared under the inscription "FarmaPrecio: The Farmacia Popular of Chile".

] On Twitter, many showed that they were lying. The domain had been registered with NIC Chile on June 13, 2015.

The pressure that the chain of pharmacies had tweeted was such that it made the domain to MINSAL. What has never happened Revised today the registration of the estate, follows on behalf of Estudio Fedérico Villaseca and CIA, which represent the pharmacy. The strangest thing is that now the date of recording at seems to be 2013. Black hands, influences or computer error?

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