The Ethics Commission censored and fined UDI deputy Ignacio Urrutia


The Ethics and Transparency Committee of the Chamber sanctioned the UDI Ignacio Urrutia MP by censorship and a fine after the controversial episode of April 19 in the US. hemicycle During the discussion of an economic reparation initiative for former political prisoners recognized as such by the Valech I and II commissions, the trade unionist celebrated that the government had withdrawn the project in which, at his opinion, "aguinaldos a terrorist" was given

The sanction, which reaches seven percent of his monthly diet, about 600 thousand pesos, was confirmed by Deputy RN Bernardo Berger .

"The Commission for Ethics and Transparency, after badyzing the events that took place on April 19, decided to apply the sanction of censorship to MP Ignacio Urrutia and as a sanction , a fine of seven percent of their monthly gross diet " commented the parliamentarian

In this same episode, Urrutia was reprimanded by the MP of PH, Pamela Jiles, accused of badaulting her UDI counterpart, so that his house continues under badysis by the Ethics Commission, which prepares a return decision for the district week.

[Audio] Ignacio Urrutia caused a commotion in the House by repudiating "aguinaldo para terrorasas " #CooperativaConversa

– Cooperativa (@Cooperativa) April 19, 2018

New Exabrupto of & # Urrutia

Urrut iia once again staged a new instance of tension Thursday in the Chamber of Deputies, when a deputy demanded the apology of those who made the university Jaime Bbada uncomfortably uncomfortable. Require an exhibition at a formal meeting with the Defense Committee, to which the legislature shouted a vulgar expression ("no fuss") which, according to him, is very good. "I am a champion and therefore I do not see him as very strange", Urrutia said defending his words.

Due to this event, the MPU UDI may be re-elected to the Ethics Committee

added a new explosion to his long history, since in 2012 and 2014 he called Salvador Allende as "the coward who committed suicide" and "ese conchesumadre" respectively, and in 2016 He sent "those who supported the law on the abortion "" in hell ".

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