The EU makes pacts to separate migrants


European Union (EU) leaders reached an agreement yesterday in Brussels to voluntarily create "controlled" centers in member states to separate refugees, with the right to remain in the EU. (countries of the Union), economic immigrants, who would be returned to their country of origin

Therefore, when people arrive in the territory of the community, they will be interned in these facilities until 39 they decide whether or not to obtain protection status. The transfer of refugees from these centers to different Member States will also be voluntary for the Twenty-eight.

"On the territory of the EU, persons saved (from the sea), in accordance with international law, must be taken care of, the basis of a joint effort, through its transfer to controlled centers established in the Member States, only on a voluntary basis, where rapid and secure treatment would, with the full support of the EU, distinguish between irregulars and refugees. Landing in third countries, the leaders are more inaccurate.

"The European Council asks the Commission to quickly explore the concept of regional landing platforms, in close cooperation with the third countries concerned, as well as with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), "affirm the Heads of State and Government.

They add that these platforms form They should operate "by distinguishing individual situations, in full respect of international law and without creating a so-called effect. "

The boat of the German NGO" Lifeline ", forbidden access to the port, emphasizes that all vessels operating in the Mediterranean" must respect the applicable laws and not hinder the operations of the guard- Libyan coast ".

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