The ex-Axis Bahía, Fabricio, formalized for fraud


Brazilian dancer Fabricio Vasconcellos, known for his time with the focused group, Porto Seguro, will be made official this Thursday for the offense of fraud at the Court of Guaranty of Santiago.

The case in which he is the subject of a Brazilian investigation has to do with the sale of irregular lands to Paine .

Buyers, who would have paid 17 million pesos to the former Mekano, acquired places that were not for residential use, but for land use, because that it is a flood zone.

February, March and April 2016 that the accused, sometimes personally and others in the name of Inversiones Almeida SpA allegedly sold to 14 people, quotas rights under a rights badignment on the land located on Miguel Letelier Avenue, in the district of Paine.

The formalization of Fabricio Almeida de Vasconcellos will take place this Thursday at noon

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