The failure of Android that jeopardizes the security of Home Banking


Experts warn of an error in the security of mobile phones that exposes the security of the Home Banking Code.

Warning! All those who have devices with the operating system Android should pay special attention to a security breach that jeopardizes their key Home Banking among other data.

Researchers have discovered new techniques through which you can overcome the barriers that protect DRAM or Rowhammer memory. It is an attack that they called " RAMpage ", by means of which an application " without privileges " can obtain data without the blinding of the user.

All that is needed for this is that a malicious application is installed on the phone which will then work without the code. This failure affects all equipment manufactured from 2012 and endangers the data stored in these devices, such as pbadwords, personal photos, emails, messages and even business documents.

Source: InfoTechnology.

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