The fall of Cau Cau was performed "satisfactorily"


"In a satisfactory manner" the descent of the Cau Cau bridge arms was made in the Los Ríos region, informed the Minister of Public Works, Juan Andrés Fountain.

"Excellent news for Valdivia," wrote the secretary of state on his Twitter account on the first phase of the test structure, which could never be opened due to technical failures.

"We will continue to work to temporarily use the bridge, congratulations," he added.

The test was conducted to study the feasibility of the provisional authorization of the structure for light vehicles. If the tests are going well, say the wallet, it could be done by the end of August. Work to lower the arms of the bridge began Thursday, but the climate front forced them to stop.

"Due to long chains of errors and hesitations, the Cau Cau Bridge remains unusable.I understand and share the feeling of humiliation of the Valdivians," said Fountain Fountain. ;time. "We are here to tell you that we have started the phase of resolution of the plan of empowerment," he added.

At the Ministry of Public Works, the weapons are lifted once a month for the pbadage of boats, following an agreement the owners of the shipping companies that will cross the river during these periods.

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