The fast food chain gives burgers to dogs with cancer


By Twitter, Alec Karcher shared a moving story that characterizes his dog Cody ten years, who was diagnosed with terminal cancer He would end his life in a or three months more according to the speed of the spread of the disease.

That is why Alec, accompanied by his pet, went every day to a Burger King ] From Ohio to buy a cheeseburger and give it to Cody. As he explained, he made this routine "for to eat the hamburger with all his medicines and it's easier and more enjoyable for him."

It was so that one day he came to the fast food premises ordered the same as always. At that moment, the young woman who accompanied her asked her why she was giving the dog the hamburger, and once Alec had told her the moving story, she asked him to wait a few minutes. minutes.

On her return, the young woman surprised her. Alec. She explained that she had just spoken to her boss and that they had agreed that, from that day, every day, could pick up the cheeseburger for free .

"I can not explain what it means to us and my family, we are more than grateful ," wrote Alec in his Twitter account, receiving more than 4,000 reactions a few days after its publication .

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