The Festival of the Word begins today with a tribute to Carmen Ollé


The word is an open door to everything to understand us in the field of art, science and social life. This has been understood by the cultural center of the Catholic University of Peru, the BBVA Continental Foundation and the embbadies of Chile and Mexico in Peru that organize, from today until 39. to Sunday, October 21st, the "5th PUCP Word Festival".

The festival is not only focused on the literary field but, as a cultural event, the program includes cinema, theater, workshops, seminars, master clbades and competitions .

As in previous editions, the festival will count on the participation of international guests. Among them, from Chile, Álvaro Bisama, Constanza Gutiérrez, Luis López-Aliaga and Marcelo Mellado; from Argentina, Josefina Licitra, Romina Paula and Rafael Sprebelgurd; from Spain, Anna Manso and Mexico, Bernardo Fernández.

The various activities – except the one that will take place in the prison of Santa Monica with the writer Marcelo Mellado – will take place in the premises of the cultural center PUCP, Av. Camino Real 1070, San Isidro.


In this edition of the festival, a tribute will be paid to the writer, poet and essayist Carmen Ollé for his long career in Peruvian literature. The ceremony will take place today and will feature the participation of Mexican essayist Susana Reisz and poets Rossella Di Paolo and Abelardo Sánchez León. Location, conference room, at 19 hours

Carmen Ollé, who studied literature at San Marcos University, was introduced to Peruvian poetry in 1981 with a powerful book as an innovator: Adrenaline Nights ] He then added other publications such as All pride smokes the night (1988), Why do they make so much noise? (1992) The Two Faces of Desire (1994), False Track (1999), A Girl Under Her Umbrella (2002), ]] Portrait of a woman without a family before a drink (2007) and Falcons in the park (2012).

In addition to the author of books, Ollé actively participates in the struggle for rights. especially women, a task performed by various social and academic institutions.

Among the guests, it is worth mentioning the presence of Álvaro Bisama, author of the novels Caja negra Noise El Brujo y Laguna . Bisama, in 2007, was included in Bogotá 39.

Also, Argentina Josefina Licitra, columnist. He published, among other books, 38 Stars. The biggest escape from a women's prison in history and The Imprudent. Lesbian gay teens stories in Argentina .

Finally, Luis López-Aliaga, author of Cousins ​​ The imagination of the father, Mundo salvaje and Geography of the nubes the latter explores the life of the Peruvian poet José Santos Chocano in Santiago de Chile.

This is just a sample, the festival has more.

the date

  • Today's festival has for conversation "Something rotten in Peru, little brother", with Umberto Jara, Romina Mella, Elizabeth Salazar and Graciela Villasis. 10:00 am Conference room.
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