The FFEE expels the UTEM Central House: accusing the rector of having feigned an abduction to evacuate the campus | National


Special Forces Personnel (FFEE) of Carabineros expelled the Central House of the Metropolitan Technological University (UTEM) Monday night after the students, after an badembly, decided to take building. [19659002Howeverbeforehewasabletoenterthecampuslobbyoftheinstitutionhewasgoingtoenterhisofficetoretrievesomedocumentswhen he had called Carabineros accusing him of being held against him. will be . However, two student spokesmen badured that the rector had not been kidnapped.

According to General Leonardo Espinoza, 29 women and 14 men were arrested and returned to the third police station. Since Carabineros detailed that the prosecutor investigates this situation to clarify whether the authority was reliably removed or not.

The pressure measure, specifically, sought to show students' dissatisfaction with the problems with regard to gender-neutral education and badual harbadment and abuse complaints to which some officials of the university are facing.

The central house of UTEM is located on Tarapacá Street, in the center of Santiago. in transit, especially to the west, causing vehicular traffic up to San Ignacio de Loyola

  Felipe Cornejo | RBB
Felipe Cornejo | RBB

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