The fight for Brexit with Europe, key to the British government crisis – 07/09/2018


Neither "Brexit Duro" nor "Brexit Blando". The official reason why Chancellor Boris Johnson slammed the door and did not even anticipate the text of his resignation at Downing St is the "Semi Brexit". The new term in this fight between eurosceptics and pro-Europeans in the cabinet of British Prime Minister Theresa May, who lead the kingdom to the abyss in the middle of a divorce negotiation with the European Union .

In the spiritual retreat at the box of his pawns Friday, when he tried to discipline his divided cabinet, May confiscated the phones of all his ministers so that nothing runs away. There would be an absolute radio silence. Olly Robbins, the real Brexit negotiator with Brussels, explained for two hours and 15 minutes that it was "useless to create a loophole" between the European negotiator, Michel Barnier, the European Commission and the leaders of the 27 European countries. l & # 39; EU. 19659004] In the afternoon session, Mai devised her "customs plan" and offered "common basic rules on industrial and agricultural products" in exchange for the end of free movement in Europe, which demanded the referendum imposed by Brexit in the kingdom

In the lobby was the pro-European corner, led by Chancellor of Finance Philippe Hammond. In the other and ready to step down, Brexit Secretary David Davis and Chancellor Boris Johnson. May did not present any other options, but a "fait accompli", without any possible questions.

Parliament would examine the established rules. There would also be a "common institutional framework" for interpreting the agreements between the European Union and Great Britain that would be applied in each jurisdiction. But "these joint committees" would have the European Court of Justice as "interpreting European laws", when the referendum would prevent its jurisdiction. To get rid of the risk of a hard border between Britain and Northern Ireland that slowed the deal, they would create a "combined customs territory". Pos Brexit, Britain could apply its own rates to the rest of the world, without causing the feared conflict on the border with Northern Ireland.

The divided cabinet "has reached a collective position for the future of negotiations," according to The Ladies' Declaration. A consensus that Boris Johnson considered "shining a light" and David Davis, ignored in the negotiations with Barnier, a complete gracious concession to the EU, whose laws will continue to govern the Parliament of Britain.

In his surgical and very diplomatic letter of resignation, Boris Johnson warns Theresa May that his country is moving "to the status of colony "if the" half Brexit "is adopted. The former Foreign Minister and journalist said in his resignation that he tried to support the line adopted in Checkers, but he is unable to do so. "The problem is that I practiced the words over the weekend and they are finally stuck in my throat," said Boris, in a letter that he publishes without sending any news. first at Downing St.

Boris Johnson and his friends believe that the Checkers agreement jeopardizes the ability of the British to conclude trade agreements with non-European countries, which will be severely limited. It's the spirit of his Brexit.

The problem for May is that there will be more resignations and she will add powerful enemies of the Brexitier, who will try to overthrow her. In the same style that Geoffrey Howe and Michael Heseltine did with Margaret Thatcher to take it to the end of the government. The big question is whether it can survive this growing rebellion. The renouncers conspire to remove her from power. Today, Britain is plunged into a huge political crisis, with its conservative party more divided than ever and the Brexiters determined to choose them and their model or to overthrow them in the days to come.

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