The fire consumes three houses in the town of Juan Pablo II of Lo Barnechea – National


The fire consumes three houses in the town of Juan Pablo II of Lo Barnechea

Several shooting units arrived to try to control the emergency. TVN


A great fire took place on the night of Tuesday inside the city Juan Pablo II of Lo Barnechea .

Three houses were consumed in the area of ​​ La ​​Cabaña and Monseñor Escrivá de Balaguer

Several fire companies came to the area to try to control the emergency. More than 10 volunteer cars came to the site to cooperate in extinguishing the flames.

Picture of @ Pedrofigueroa70 Now a large-scale fire affects houses of light materials in La Cabaña and Monsignor Escriva de Balaguer Bomberos of Santiago works on the site @cbsantiago pic / lT33u9dY8c

– Radio Emergencies (@Radio_Emergenci) 4 July 2018


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