The first execution with electric chair since 2013


In United States the electric wheelchair was used as a phrase after five years. The last time this penalty was found was the year 2013, in Virginia . However, in Tennessee place of events, did not occur since the year 2007.

The convict was Edmund Zagorski, of 63 years. sentenced to death for having murdered two men in 1983 . Edmund had attracted them saying that he was going to sell them marijuana. Two weeks later, the bodies of these were found with the throat cut.

According to the media Tennessean Zagorski would not have opted for lethal injection as a sentencing; his only option would have been the death by electrocution.

Edmund Zagorski died at 7:26 this afternoon after receiving two electric shocks at the Riverbend Maximum Security Institute in Nashville according to the Department of Correctional Services of Tennessee. They also reported that Edmund's last words were: "Let's Rock" (19459004)

His Lawyer Kelly Henry, claimed that he had been forced to go to Zagorski. choose between "two totally barbaric death methods".

Currently, out of 50 states in the United States, 30 maintain the death penalty and 20 have abolished it. Only nine states are allowed to use the wheelchair as a sentencing option.

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