The Frente Amplio joins the popular initiative of the No More Act on AFP Coordinators


The parliamentary group of Frente Amplio and Beatriz Sánchez joined forces with the popular initiative law of AFP coordinator No More

and announced the holding of a meeting of the between parliamentarians and coalition leaders. to create a bill on a new retirement system.

Former presidential candidate Beatriz Sánchez called on citizens and other sectors to join this initiative. "As Frente Amplio, we are taking steps (…) We will participate in these councils to discuss the AFP system and lobby for a popular law initiative that cares about pensions."

For the president of the democratic revolution, Rodrigo Echecopar, the pension system is a problem that affects all Chileans. "The solution can not be bingo, but we need to have a proposal that makes solidarity the pillar of the new social security and the way we are going to do it is to open up democracy and democracy. invite the citizens to be part of it. "

For the MP Maite Orsini, the current system does not generate dignity but misery. "This government, instead of listening to citizens, has decided to side with the millionaire profits of AFP," he said.

The first council will take place this Thursday at 9:00 in Santiago example at 13:00 in Valparaíso

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