The funeral of Ana González will take place at the Catholic cemetery


The last farewell of Ana González will take place this Sunday at the Catholic cemetery of located Avenida Valdivieso 555, of the municipality of Recoleta.

The body of the founder of the group relatives of missing detainees will leave his home in the city of La Castrina, in the district of San Joaquin, around 15 hours, as part of the a funeral procession with address. at the cemetery, anticipating his arrival at 16:30.

Parents and close friends of the emblematic human rights defender invited all those who wished to accompany González to wear red scarves and balloons of the same color .

Farewell to # AnaGonzálezDeRecabarren will be Sunday 28/10. The restitution of his remains will leave at 3:00 pm from Cantares de Chile 6271 San Joaquín at 4:30 pm to go to the Catholic cemetery of Recoleta.His family invites all those who accompany Anita to wear bandannas or red balloons pic / FebVMPI6Xj

– Alicia Lira Matus (@AliciaLiraM) October 27, 2018

Ana González pbaded away on Friday, October 26 at the age of 93 after a [[lutte contre] penitentiary to find her husband and two children. and her three-month pregnant daughter-in-law all disappeared in 1976 as part of the military dictatorship.

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