The gameplay of Red Dead Redemption is filtered 2 days after release


Recently 24 seconds of the gameplay of Red Dead Redemption 2 the following title triple A of the talented and controversial study were disclosed. Rockstar Games who ordered the deletion of the original video. Obviously, someone immediately downloaded the content and it is now circulating without control in the network.

During the brief moments of the video, we can understand how Arthur Morgan the new protagonist of the safa, approaches a group of armed men and without saying a word, he gets off his horse and open fire using a weapon in each hand. In the middle of all we can get a lot of information, such as the weapon change interface, which is very similar to the radial menu seen in Grand Theft Auto V ; we also see the mini-map of the game, which, as we understand it, does not indicate the detailed topographical details; in the upper right corner, we see the indicator " Wanted ", which we have already seen in previous advances, as well as on the mini-map, icons representing bonuses or "buffs" ", by simple logic, we badume that these are increases in vitality and recovery of endurance. At the moment the action begins, the calm melody of the guitar is replaced by a sober and serious accompaniment of the cello. Much information from a small "leak"

Red Dead Redemption 2 will be published globally on on October 26 for 2018 for the platforms PlayStation 4 and Xbox One . You can now download the game from the Xbox or PlayStation online stores, which is highly recommended if you have reserved the digital version.

Red Dead Redemption is the next open world title of the controversial winner and developer of video games Rockstar Games. This is a sandbox based game based on the wild west, at the end of the outlaw era. Arthur Morgan member of Durch's group Van Der Linde, with whom we will interpret a large number of outlaws in a world where freedom and honor are rare goods, especially for those who do not bow to authority.

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