The gendarmes begin a hunger strike Thursday


The gendarmes of begin a hunger strike on Thursday as a measure of radicalization in the context of the paralysis that has mobilized them for four days.

Yesterday, the situation became tense when the gendarmerie vehicles blocked three accesses to the justice center (PJUD) in order to prevent the transfer of 60 suspects and had to be moved with cranes with carabiners.

Since the government announced summaries which did not cool things down, this morning the prison workers went on a hunger strike in the penitentiary.

"As long as this does not happen, the strike will be extended to all units of the country and we are worried today to solve the problems of the gendarmerie and not to aggravate them," said the spokesman officials. Marcos Agurto.

"We place the authority, the government of President Piñera, the indolent Minister of Justice who did not raise the voice for gendarmes . mainly due to structural problems that today has the official career, "he added.

According to the workers, the government's final proposal was never made in writing.

Demonstration in Valdivia

During the morning of this Thursday, gendarmes and leaders of the ANEF erected barricades on the Avenida Picarte, in the southern access of Valdivia in the Los Ríos region, suspending traffic in the area.

The demonstration begins around 8:30 am and ends 30 minutes later without major incidents.

Officials of the gendarmerie light a small barricade. in access to the prison of #Valdiviacl . @Cooperativa #CooperativaRegiones

– Diego Malverde (@dmalverde) November 8, 2018

– Group of Gendarmes and leaders of the 39 ANEF barricade in Picarte street, south access to #Valdiviacl . Partial transit @Cooperativa #CooperativaRegiones

– Diego Malverde (@dmalverde) on November 8, 2018

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