The girl comes to the doctor for a headache and they find him 100 worm eggs inside!


And when you think you've seen it all, you tell the story of a girl in India with 100 worm eggs in her brain.

The little girl, barely eight years old, suffered from constant headaches . Later, she even started having epileptic seizures.

His parents, from the Indian province of Gurugram, decided to take him to the doctor. He was prescribed various drugs and steroids because of the cysts that he had in the brain.

No one imagined what they would find on the x-ray. Photo: Andrew Brookes / Getty Images

But after several weeks, his situation has not improved; on the contrary. From weighing 40 kilograms (88 pounds), it rose to 60 (132 pounds) and even began to present difficulty breathing and walking

It was then that the doctors performed another scan and found a serious parasitic infection that affected his health: nothing less than a hundred white spots in the brain that turned out to be worm eggs.

"Such an infection is caused by accidentally eating food infested with tapeworms.When the eggs reach the brain through the nervous system they cause neurocysticercosis characterized by severe headache, seizures and seizures. Epilepsy and confusion. "

This was stated by Dr. Praveen Gupta, director of the Department of Neurology at Artemis Hospital, to the newspaper Times of India .

The child had an image of neurocysticercosis. Photo: Ron Levine / Getty Images

According to the medium mentioned above, the girl received treatment with decongestants to reduce swelling as well as an anthelmintic treatment for destroy the parasites, and another cycle of steroids After six months of treatment, the girl has returned to health completely.

Neurocysticercosis is caused by Taenia solium the so-called pig's tapeworm, which enters into the body after eating raw meat or poorly cooked infected animals . Tapeworm eggs hatch in the intestine, where they can then spread to the brain. This is mentioned by the medical portal MedlinePlus .

According to the World Health Organization ( WHO ), neurocysticercosis would primarily affect people in South America, Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa and it is rare in the rest of the world

What do you think? What do you think of what happened to this little girl? What can you think that can be done to prevent these kinds of health problems in the world? Send us your comments

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