The Google project that promises to revolutionize video games – Rock & Pop


Google plans to take a new step to become leader of a territory barely explored by the company that will soon be 20 years old. Under the code name "Yeti" thought to enter the world of video games and become the new leader of this market, as he did in almost all sectors in which participates

From Atari and pinball machines from the 80s to the present day, the video game industry has made great strides. But it is far from coming to an end, because technology allows more and more new features . In fact, what Google wants to do is you do not need a physical console to play, play and play.

The idea is to develop a kind of Netflix, but video games ] Today, there are some platforms that already have video games in Subscription-based streaming but none has reached the mbadiveness needed to become a favorite and dethrone the consoles that dominate the market, such as PlayStation 4 or Xbox One

There are fewer words what the technological giant wants to do, because one thing is having to play video games on servers of the company . But another is that future subscribers to the platform should have excellent bandwidth so they do not get too late and what they do with the controls is reflected on the screen instantly. But the solution could be as simple as working via Chromecast or in the form of a YouTube tab in your browser. There is still some way to go

This object is particularly important because it is at the heart of everything. If the games are not good, the project will not work . But rumors suggest that Google already supports this and at recent technological fairs it would have started to contact and hire programmers as well as to make offer to buy independent development studios video games. There is the key to success.

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