The government announced summaries on the escape of convicts in the Luchsinger Mackay case


Interior Minister Andrés Chadwick announced on Friday that would open an investigation into carabinieri and investigative police to determine the causes that led to two comuneros mapuches convicted of the crime committed by Luchsinger Mackay are currently escaped.

The announcement was made by the Secretary of State as part of his visit to the Araucanian region, forming part of creation of the intelligence unit in charge of the joint work of the police and the public prosecutor.

José Tralcal Coche and Luis Tralcal Quidel have not been informed of their conviction (18 years in prison) because we do not know where they are.

Chadwick baderted that "With regard to what failed, we are conducting all investigations on both police officers." I received them yesterday and a report was requested on what had been the possible decisions or breaches in the execution of the sentence and the arrest of the Tralcal lords. "

For this reason, " two abstracts were opened. , one in each policeman to determine the responsibilities that may exist in accordance with that sentence, " added, describing the situation as a serious error.

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