The Government awards the first 60 electric taxis in Santiago


Starting in the last quarter of this year, the first 60 executive electric taxis will begin to circulate in the streets of Greater Santiago. The fleet greatly increases the fleet of these vehicles, which now only rises to three.

The new electric cars for pbadengers were part of a call for tenders that was awarded today by Transport and Telecommunications Minister Gloria Hutt, along with her partner. energy, Susana Jiménez, and the environment, Marcela Cubillos; and the mayor of the metropolitan area, Karla Rubilar.

"This year and the next will be historic for public transport and electromobility.After successful pilots, we specify the incorporation of 60 electric taxis in the metropolitan area, we develop a call for public transport. Offers for 125 for the Valparaíso region and in early 2019 we will add 200 electric buses to Transantiago, "said the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications. Hutt.

This will allow, added the authority, "to specify the first electrocorridor of the system.In addition, with the aim of going forward in other areas, we will launch a interministerial round table for the development of public policies that promote electromobility in the short term. "

" We want to strongly promote electromobility during the government of President Piñera, because it promotes energy efficiency , reduces pollution with the resulting health benefits, and improves the economy.We aim to increase by at least 10 times the number of electric vehicles that circulate in our country, "said Susana Jiménez , Minister of Energy. In turn, Mayor Rubilar said that "these 60 electric taxis mean less pollution, less noise in public transport, and the beginning of a series of measures to improve the quality of life of those who live in our metropolitan area. These are concrete facts that have a positive impact on the daily lives of people, especially children and the elderly.

According to studies carried out by the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications, more than 3 tons of CO2 are shut down annually in the environment when an electric vehicle is preferred, and 1300 liters of fuel are left to burn. with this alternative.

In addition, one electric kilometer is about 80% cheaper than one kilometer of fuel and in 10 years a vehicle with these features will cost the same as a traditional kilometer.

Meanwhile, estimates from the Department of Energy estimate that the entry of electric vehicles will reduce the country's energy expenditure by more than $ 3,300 million a year.

The incorporation of new taxis is added to that of 200 electric buses that will start circulating towards the end of this year in the Transantiago. Today, there are three buses in the system, which have been rated 6.3 by users.

Minister Hutt anticipates that the new system tender will include incentives for the entry of more electric buses, with the aim of contributing in an environmentally friendly way to reducing emissions from mobile sources and to improve the travel experience of users, because these buses have better running operation and have more services for pbadengers like mobile phone chargers.

The incorporation of these buses is considering the construction of the first "electrocorridor" on Avenida Grecia. This exclusive bus route includes closed payment stations that will improve the quality of service.

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