The government defends the carabinieri: "We can not let the institution tarnished by a few" | National


Interior Minister Andrés Chadwick evoked the recent arrest of five carabiniers involved in the sale of weapons to Talagante in the metropolitan area, which he described as "unacceptable and reprehensible".

This was discovered after an investigation by the Office of the Prosecutor, which involved four former defendants and a police officer in post who were brought before the courts.

" Every time we discover a carabinero who has become a criminal, we will find … The investigations will be carried out, the controls are in progress, will be immediately made available to the Prosecutor and the Prosecutor. Justice, so that the law is applied with the maximum of rigor, as it was the case yesterday with Recoleta and now with Talagante ", indicated the minister.

Prior to the consultation on other corruption cases previously occurring, Chadwick said that President Piñera 's attitude, the attitude of this government does not allow a delictual or irregular "l & # 39; action in public institutions.

"The change in attitude is total … things are not hidden" he declared

. legislature to be able to punish cases like this optimally and effectively. "A hard hand, a good hand," he said.

"In order for the carabineers to enjoy exceptional prestige, you must act immediately before those who seek to harm the institution," he said.

They are not students, they are criminals. "

Regarding the failed security clbad project, the minister said that" we still need this tool to fight the action of these criminals in our iconic schools. "

Chadwick called Congress and Courts Concerning Violence in Schools

"I ask the judges to understand that there are no students here, or breaches of public order, or minor offenses ; they are criminals who have organized and coordinated in order to cause harm " he concluded.

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