The government hands over and changes the term of payment of bills after meeting with SMEs and entrepreneurs


Meanwhile, Asech President Alejandra Mustakis celebrated the measure and badured that they have always sought to limit the maximum period for disbursement to 30 days.

SMEs celebrate and the government breathes. Of course, because after the cross-cutting criticism that emerged from the entrepreneurial world and the very ranks of the ruling party to the project known as Pago Oportuno, today came "white smoke" after the meeting in which various representatives of commerce and trade unions of

C is the President of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera, who commented with the press in La Moneda the new changes that the executive will introduce to the project aimed at regulate the term in which companies cancel suppliers in His goods and services.

"In its permanent content (the draft establishes that) payment to micro, small and medium enterprises will have to be carried out within a maximum period of 30 days," said the president.

With this, the project will no longer be called One-Time Payment and will change its name to "30-Day Payment Project" or "30-Day Project".

The head of state adds that there will be a transitional period in transitional articles to spend 60, 45 and 30 days. Period that will be "as short as circumstances permit," said the governor.

It should be recalled that the initiative had already been sent to Sala and will be voted next Wednesday by the Chamber of Deputies, having approved the indications In May, the government

For its part, the head of Economy, said the government's intention is to make the work of SMEs more worthy. "It is obvious that an SME who has to knock on the doors, who has to answer the calls to be paid for what has already been produced, is an outrageous situation," he said. 19659010] While the president of the ASECH (Association of Entrepreneurs of Chile), Alejandra Mustakis, held the address that takes the bill announced by the government and are confident of what is happening on Wednesday at Congress. [19659003"Wearefindingthatthereisalotofpeoplewhowillaccompanyusinthisprojectandallthetimeitislogicalforustooccupythecapitalofthosepeoplewhohavenotbeenableto"saidMustakis

. He added that they will continue to promote other demands, such as non-use. VAT credit and badured that "we always ask that (the payment) be made within 30 days and we are very happy that they have heard us

For its part, the President of the National Chamber of Commerce , Manuel Melero, described the meeting as positive and progressing in the positions of agreement.

Regarding the use of VAT credit, Melero baderted that there is interest in working closely with the government, and who have studied this subject and know that it is "quite viable" and that at least in a year from now "the question VAT can be implemented ".

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