The Government of Chile Appoints New Ambassadors for Guatemala, Jamaica and Costa Rica


The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Chile, Roberto Ampuero, informed the decision taken by Sebastián Piñera, Director General of the South Country, to appoint three new ambbadadors [VIDEO] of this country. Javier Becker, Francisco Javier Bernales and Óscar Alcamán will be respectively responsible for the diplomatic affairs of the Republic of Chile in Guatemala, Jamaica and Costa Rica. The new ambbadadors appointed by Piñera already have the receptivity of their respective countries

The new ambbadadors of Chile

The newly appointed ambbadadors to represent the government of Sebastián Piñera in Guatemala, Jamaica and Costa Rica, are three professionals with academic training in international relations and a long diplomatic career [VIDEO]

Javier Becker, new ambbadador of Chile in Guatemala: among his academic training, he directed international studies in Diplomatic Academy Andrés Bello . He studied law at the Catholic University of Valparaíso. In addition, he graduated in International Relations and Commerce from the Institute of International Studies of the University of Chile ; He also did postgraduate studies at the United States Defense College. With regard to his work in the field of diplomacy, Becker has held various positions including Director of North America, Central America and the Caribbean, as Ambbadador of the United States. Chile in Thailand.

Parte, Francisco Javier Bernales New Chilean Diplomatic Envoy for Jamaica also graduated from the Andrés Bello Diplomatic Academy.

He was Chile's ambbadador to the Palestinian state. Bernales has held positions in Chile's consulates general in several countries around the world. He has been a diplomat for Chile in Argentina, Pakistan, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Brazil, Mexico and Norway. as well as in the Mission of Chile to the Organization of American States

The new ambbadador of Chile in Costa Rica Óscar Alcamán studied law in Universidad Católica de Valparaíso . Like his colleagues, he is also a graduate of the Andrés Bello Diplomatic Academy, where he studied several specialization studies. He held diplomatic posts at the Consulate General of Chile in the capital of Argentina. He has also been sent internationally to Chile's embbadies in South Korea, Italy, Syria, the former Yugoslavia, Israel, France and the Chilean Mission to the European Union in Luxembourg. and in Belgium. It was also emphasized in the Chilean Mission before UNESCO .

Competent Personnel

It is irrefutable that leaders who wish to succeed in their management must be surrounded by staff with academic background, skills and experience in the field to play.

This aspect was one of the main features of the government management of Sebastian Piñera at the head of the Chilean state. This is obvious after having taken a look at the summaries of the three new ambbadadors of Chile for these countries of Central America and the Caribbean.

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