The Government of Colombia and ELN resume the dialogue


The government of Colombia and the ELN guerrilla resumed Monday in Havana the last cycle of dialogues under the leadership of President Juan Manuel Santos with difficulties for a ceasefire and without guarantees for honor his commitments, denounced the group of insurgents

According to a statement from the National Liberation Army (ELN), the government delegation does not guarantee the "reciprocity of the two parties in accordance with the agreements " and ni" the implementation of the proposed transformations in the process and agreed in the Mesa. "

The last active guerrillas of Colombia badured that" the differences persist that prevent signing a new agreement on the bilateral cease-fire ". 19659003] Among them, the fact that "the government does not accept international humanitarian law (IHL) as a common reference for agreeing on humanitarian actions and agreements," they say in their statement . [19659003Italsoheldthat" the Government repeals the right to characterize the facts and to act against ELN without prior reporting and qualification of the monitoring and verification mechanism."

For the ELN, with the cessation of the fire must "advance in the solution of the persecution, badbadinations and the judiciarization of the leaders of social movements."

ELN, a Christian guerrilla born under the influence of the Cuban Revolution, was 54 of existence this 4th of July.

Each cycle of conversation with the government was extended by five weeks which in this case will coincide with the end of the Santos government and the beginning of the management on August 7 of the rightful Iván Duque, a criticism of the negotiations.

Cuba has hosted the second part of the fifth round of negotiations since 1945 (19459005) and will now do the same with the sixth cycle. Previously, conversations took place in Quito.

Duque, political heir to former president Álvaro Uribe, calls for international verification of the guerrillas and that he ceases his "criminal activities" to hold the talks

Although he is in favor of the social reintegration of ELN members, considers that his leaders must be criminalized and opposes what they enter into. political life without paying a minimum of

He also asked to review the agreement that demobilized and transformed into a political party the powerful guerrilla FARC in 2016, also negotiated in Havana.

In his statement, ELN said: the goal of reaching the political solution to the conflict, eradicating the violence of politics and making fundamental changes urgent. "

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