The government plays the last chips to avoid the collapse of the Mercosur-EU pact


Chancellor Jorge Faurie, on the first day of the Celac-EU Summit

  Jorge Faurie, Minister of Foreign Affairs, on the first day of the Celac-EU Summit

With little hope, but without resignation , the government will seek This week will consolidate some progress that will allow it to avoid a new sinking of the agreement of badociation between Mercosur and the European Union (EU), with which it intends to consolidate the policy of "smart insertion in the world" and be open to investment and trade with a region that only requested in 2017 goods from Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Spain. Uruguay for US $ 49.183 million

Under the pretext of the Summit of Foreign Ministers of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac) and L & # 39; Europe, which began yesterday in Brussels, Chancellor Jorge Faurie and his Customs union experts will meet this Wednesday with two key players to unblock the negotiations: Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström, and her husband and wife farmer, Phil Hogan. The appointment is expected to join the ministers of production, Dante Sica, and Agroindustria, Luis Miguel Etchevehere, who left the country last night to be Wednesday in the offices of the European Commission.

The meeting is at the expense of the minority, almost no progress of the last round of technical negotiators of the agreement, which took place last week in the Belgian capital. Like months ago, when the discussion broke through the beef quota on the old continent, the tension returned to the agricultural part of the chapter on market access, where Europeans have doubts .

Yesterday, Commissioner Hogan was forceful in emphasizing: "We are not satisfied with the progress that has been made and there will be no agreement this week."

See also

This week he will quote the 15 provinces governed by the change, the local parties and the federal PJ. The next will continue with the districts with a closer relationship

If the positions remain as they are, despite Argentinian voluntarism, the agreement will remain pending, at least, until the end of the electoral process in Brazil. Thus, the aspirations of European and South American companies would succumb to saving millions of dollars that today pay in tariffs, and the message mentioned in favor of multilateralism and against the commercial isolationism that is turned to the world of Washington, with Donald Trump.

Diplomatic and block sources opened in El Cronista and acknowledged that, although there was no progress in the high-level talks, the agreement that began to to be negotiated in 1999 seriously risks being put on hold until further notice. of the Brazilian political system will be directed elsewhere, "said a diplomat based in Buenos Aires, as part of the campaign to replace Michel Temer.The August 15 is the deadline for the registration of candidates, and the next day formally the Plbadto campaign, whose new occupant will be defined in October Without a clear candidate, with the controversial Jair Bolsonaro at the top of the polls, but a fragmented scenario given to the prison of Lula da Silva, uncertainty makes the Europeans less attractive to encourage an early closure of the agreement.

the meeting for the agreement, the government uses the summit to express its concern for the social, political, economic and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, and to express his concern for the repressive future that took the government of Daniel Ortega before the protests in Nicaragua, which they began in April with the rejection of a ref retirement age.

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