The Government supports TDLC's decision to approve the agreement between Latam and the airlines


Transport Minister Gloria Hutt said that "the approval of the TDLC fits into what we also consider to be an industry trend."

A few days after the hearing of the decision of the Court of Defense of Free Competition (TDLC), which approved the merger of Latam bonds with American Airlines for North America and IAG – Iberia and British – for Eruopa, Transport Minister Gloria Hutt supported the decision.

"This is a trend in the industry, where it is looking for more and more volume efficiency, so it should continue to grow in that direction," he said.

He added that "what is important from a regulatory point of view is to ensure competition and that JBAs do not involve a concentration of the market that could harm pbadengers, So that's the concern, but from the point of view of the approval of the TDLC, that also corresponds to what we believe in. We think it's a trend of the industry. "

It should be recalled that yesterday, the Association of Tourism Enterprises of Chile (Purchased), which admitted the consultation to the TDLC two years ago, said that she would appeal to the Supreme Court to overturn the decision because, in her opinion, the mitigation measures are insufficient because they are also impossible to control.

"No mitigation measure can really avoid such risks, the only measure is competition," the union said.

For its part, the National Corporation of Consumers and Users of Chile (Conadecus) also announced its intention to evaluate the recourse to the Supreme.

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