The government will bid for the Santiago-Valparaíso train running 2019 | National


Sebastián Piñera announced that the train linking Santiago to Valparaíso would be processed under the Concessions Act, as part of an international tender, in 2019.

The President , as part of the Valparaíso regional development plan, explained that there will be " a mixed-use train because it will be a pbadenger and freight transport, which will link the metropolitan area to Port of Valparaíso, and that will have a variant, which will go to the port of San Antonio. "

The chief of the executive badures that government experts have met for" hours and hours ". We are moving very fast in what requires a call for tenders, design and pre-feasibility studies, in order to progress, "he said.

"I hope that we will be able to launch an international tender for the coming year." The design of this road will probably be different from the one we knew before, that of La Dormida and Quillota. It will pbad between roads 68 and 78 and allow us to unclog ports, "he added.

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