The great challenges of López Obrador in Mexico «Diario y Radio U Chile


In the land that was the cradle of revolutions in Latin America and where the revolution was later institutionalized, the left came to power with Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Monday, July 2, 2018 11:38 AM.

  The presidential candidate of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, of the National Movement for Regeneration (MORENA), delivers a speech while he presents his manifesto in Mexico City, Mexico, on November 20, 2017. REUTERS / Henry Romero

Many have tried and many times the different expressions of the left were looking for ways to join and become a majority, but collided with the invincible machine of the PRI until recently, own errors, corruption crises and even the electoral fraud of his opponents.

Thus, although in the history of this country there have been honorable and progressive governors, it is the first time that the left as such has taken power since the presidency of Lázaro Cárdenas (1934-1940). This was the third time López Obrador had attempted: the previous two by a narrow margin and fraud charges, while he was now getting it with a steady percentage of 53 percent of the votes, the highest percentage in a Mexican presidential election. In addition, Mexicans and Mexicans must elect governors, mayors, senators and local and federal deputies. Morena, the López Obrador movement, went from nothing to conquering important spaces. For example, although they do not rule in any state today, they won in five of the nine disputed governorates, among them Morelos, where the brilliant footballer Cuauhtémoc Blanco triumphed with 55% of the votes. And Claudia Sheinbaum, a supporter of López Obrador, became the first woman elected mayor of Mexico City.
The victorious bid displayed a slogan that took care of the dramatic moments that the country is going through: I will fail. "It is that the task that awaits the new president is overwhelming and, more than partisan politics, acquires patriotic dimensions.There is no doubt: the problems that are causing Mexican drama is poverty and inequality, two central enemies of the left since always.But it is also true that the most pressing manifestations of all this are today corruption and drug trafficking, both allied to the destruction of institutions and guilty of tracing tens of thousands of bodies.
date (the last three governments) killed more than 200,000 people killed.It is by far the great tragedy of our continent, much more than Venezuela or any other situation highlighted by some media agendas There has been no scandal in the OAS for the 145 politicians killed since September, solely because of the electoral contest. Faced with this appalling life Everyday, of course, the frightened Mexican people blame Mexican institutions for their lack of protection, especially after the unfulfilled promises of Felipe Calderón and the pusillanimous government of Enrique Peña Nieto
. It's also amazing. If the fact that Donald Trump is President of the Empire is a special circumstance, that Mexico has an exponential weight.

The tycoon's anti-immigration policies and his odious idea of ​​building a wall did not have a major, at least symbolic, answer by Peña Nieto. This void has been partly filled by López Obrador, who started a solidarity tour with migrants and became an opponent of American politics.

Under these circumstances, the new president will have the opportunity to become a reference to regional and even world dignity, but also the threat of not putting too much emphasis on a country with which Mexico has high rates of dependence.
Compared to the above, the crossroads that Mexico has with regard to free trade agreements. At the moment, this country is negotiating with difficulty the updates of the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas and with the European Union.

In both cases, there is evidence of significant damage to the local productive sectors and closure of the authorities. the bottom and with studies on the table. If López Obrador is on the left, he should not avoid two questions: will he support the vehicle par excellence for the consolidation of capitalism in a global neoliberal phase? And does it correspond to its doctrinal matrix of issuing large quotas of political sovereignty to give more guarantees (privileges) to transnational investors?
We will see if López Obrador has the will and the ability to reveal the essence of the problem. In his speeches: Trump absurdly focused on Mexico's immigrants to the United States some of the most serious ills of American society: the lack of jobs for white workers (which is a consequence of globalization that engages the cheap labor in poor countries), violence and lack of resources in the public purse. All this, without worrying too much about presenting evidence. Seen in perspective, it is a cruel and unjust action, because the country of the region that has hitherto followed with more enthusiasm the designs of the United States, through the IMF and the Bank world, was precisely Mexico, after signing two decades ago, the NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement). Since then, this country has sought the typical goal of the hegemonic economy – sustained growth – without achieving it and without reducing poverty. If we consider that several economists consider this as one of the causes of the migration of Mexicans to the United States, it is easy to notice the degrees of post-truth that exist in the current construction on the relationship between the two countries. They seem too much for an ordinary person. Even for a common president. But Lopez Obrador raised the night of victory with a raised fist and repeated "I will not fail". These are moments of hope for Mexico and Latin America.

Many have tried and many times the different expressions of the left were seeking to join and become majority, but collided with the invincible machine of the PRI until recently, corruption crises and even electoral fraud

Thus, although in the history of this country there have been honorable and progressive governors, it is the first time that the left has come to power since the presidency of Lázaro Cárdenas ( 1934 -1940). This was the third time López Obrador had attempted: the previous two by a narrow margin and fraud charges, while he was now getting it with a steady percentage of 53 percent of the votes, the highest percentage in a Mexican presidential election. In addition, Mexicans and Mexicans must elect governors, mayors, senators and local and federal deputies. Morena, the López Obrador movement, went from nothing to conquering important spaces. For example, although they do not rule in any state today, they won in five of the nine disputed governorates, among them Morelos, where the brilliant footballer Cuauhtémoc Blanco triumphed with 55% of the votes. And Claudia Sheinbaum, a supporter of López Obrador, became the first woman elected mayor of Mexico City.
The victorious bid displayed a slogan that took care of the dramatic moments that the country is going through: I will fail. "It is that the task that awaits the new president is overwhelming and, more than partisan politics, acquires patriotic dimensions.There is no doubt: the problems that are causing Mexican drama is poverty and inequality, two central enemies of the left since always.But it is also true that the most pressing manifestations of all this are today corruption and drug trafficking, both allied to the destruction of institutions and guilty of tracing tens of thousands of bodies.
date (the last three governments) killed more than 200,000 people killed.It is by far the great tragedy of our continent, much more than Venezuela or any other situation highlighted by some media agendas There has been no scandal in the OAS for the 145 politicians killed since September, solely because of the electoral contest. Faced with this appalling life Everyday, of course, the frightened Mexican people blame Mexican institutions for their lack of protection, especially after the unfulfilled promises of Felipe Calderón and the pusillanimous government of Enrique Peña Nieto
. It's also amazing. If the fact that Donald Trump is President of the Empire is a special circumstance, that Mexico has an exponential weight.

The tycoon's anti-immigration policies and his odious idea of ​​building a wall did not have a major, at least symbolic, answer by Peña Nieto. This void has been partly filled by López Obrador, who started a solidarity tour with migrants and became an opponent of American politics.

Under these circumstances, the new president will have the opportunity to become a reference to regional and even world dignity, but also the threat of not putting too much emphasis on a country with which Mexico has high rates of dependence.
Compared to the above, the crossroads that Mexico has with regard to free trade agreements. At the moment, this country is negotiating with difficulty the updates of the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas and with the European Union.

In both cases, there is evidence of significant damage to the local productive sectors and closure of the authorities. the bottom and with studies on the table. If López Obrador is on the left, he should not avoid two questions: will he support the vehicle par excellence for the consolidation of capitalism in a global neoliberal phase? And does it correspond to its doctrinal matrix of issuing large quotas of political sovereignty to give more guarantees (privileges) to transnational investors?
We will see if López Obrador has the will and the ability to reveal the essence of the problem. In his speeches: Trump absurdly focused on Mexico's immigrants to the United States some of the most serious ills of American society: the lack of jobs for white workers (which is a consequence of globalization that engages the cheap labor in poor countries), violence and lack of resources in the public purse. All this, without worrying too much about presenting evidence. Seen in perspective, it is a cruel and unjust action, because the country of the region that has hitherto followed with more enthusiasm the designs of the United States, through the IMF and the Bank world, was precisely Mexico, after signing two decades ago, the NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement). Since then, this country has sought the typical goal of the hegemonic economy – sustained growth – without achieving it and without reducing poverty. If we consider that several economists consider this as one of the causes of the migration of Mexicans to the United States, it is easy to notice the degrees of post-truth that exist in the current construction on the relationship between the two countries. They seem too much for an ordinary person. Even for a common president. But Lopez Obrador raised the night of victory with a raised fist and repeated "I will not fail". These are moments of hope for Mexico and Latin America.

Many times tried and several times the different expressions of the left sought to join and become majority, but clashed with the invisibly recurrent machine of the PRI, the own mistakes, the corruption crises and even the electoral fraud of its Opponents

Thus, although in the history of this country there have been honorable and progressive governors, it is the first time that the left has come to power since the presidency of Lázaro Cárdenas (1934 – 1940). This was the third time López Obrador had attempted: the previous two by a narrow margin and fraud charges, while he was now getting it with a steady percentage of 53 percent of the votes, the highest percentage in a Mexican presidential election. In addition, Mexicans and Mexicans must elect governors, mayors, senators and local and federal deputies. Morena, the López Obrador movement, went from nothing to conquering important spaces. For example, although they do not rule in any state today, they won in five of the nine disputed governorates, among them Morelos, where the brilliant footballer Cuauhtémoc Blanco triumphed with 55% of the votes. And Claudia Sheinbaum, a supporter of López Obrador, became the first woman elected mayor of Mexico City.
The victorious bid displayed a slogan that took care of the dramatic moments that the country is going through: I will fail. "It is that the task that awaits the new president is overwhelming and, more than partisan politics, acquires patriotic dimensions.There is no doubt: the problems that are causing Mexican drama is poverty and inequality, two central enemies of the left since always.But it is also true that the most pressing manifestations of all this are today corruption and drug trafficking, both allied to the destruction of institutions and guilty of tracing tens of thousands of bodies.
date (the last three governments) killed more than 200,000 people killed.It is by far the great tragedy of our continent, much more than Venezuela or any other situation highlighted by some media agendas There has been no scandal in the OAS for the 145 politicians killed since September, solely because of the electoral contest. Faced with this appalling life Everyday, of course, the frightened Mexican people blame Mexican institutions for their lack of protection, especially after the unfulfilled promises of Felipe Calderón and the pusillanimous government of Enrique Peña Nieto
. It's also amazing. If the fact that Donald Trump is President of the Empire is a special circumstance, that Mexico has an exponential weight.

The tycoon's anti-immigration policies and his odious idea of ​​building a wall did not have a major, at least symbolic, answer by Peña Nieto. This void has been partly filled by López Obrador, who started a solidarity tour with migrants and became an opponent of American politics.

Under these circumstances, the new president will have the opportunity to become a reference to regional and even world dignity, but also the threat of not putting too much emphasis on a country with which Mexico has high rates of dependence.
Compared to the above, the crossroads that Mexico has with regard to free trade agreements. At the moment, this country is negotiating with difficulty the updates of the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas and with the European Union.

In both cases, there is evidence of significant damage to the local productive sectors and closure of the authorities. the bottom and with studies on the table. If López Obrador is on the left, he should not avoid two questions: will he support the vehicle par excellence for the consolidation of capitalism in a global neoliberal phase? And does it correspond to its doctrinal matrix of issuing large quotas of political sovereignty to give more guarantees (privileges) to transnational investors?
We will see if López Obrador has the will and the ability to reveal the essence of the problem. In his speeches: Trump absurdly focused on Mexico's immigrants to the United States some of the most serious ills of American society: the lack of jobs for white workers (which is a consequence of globalization that engages the cheap labor in poor countries), violence and lack of resources in the public purse. All this, without worrying too much about presenting evidence. Seen in perspective, it is a cruel and unjust action, because the country of the region that has hitherto followed with more enthusiasm the designs of the United States, through the IMF and the Bank world, was precisely Mexico, after signing two decades ago, the NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement). Since then, this country has sought the typical goal of the hegemonic economy – sustained growth – without achieving it and without reducing poverty. If we consider that several economists consider this as one of the causes of the migration of Mexicans to the United States, it is easy to notice the degrees of post-truth that exist in the current construction on the relationship between the two countries. They seem too much for an ordinary person. Even for a common president. But Lopez Obrador raised the night of victory with a raised fist and repeated "I will not fail". These are moments of hope for Mexico and Latin America.

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