The heartbreaking story of the baby who died of a kiss – Social networks


© Facebook Abigail Rose   The poignant story of the baby who died of a kiss

The little Aliza Rose died eight days after his birth from a virus that "devoured him" The lungs and the brain. Tvn


A young mother of the United States made a desperate appeal through social networks after her daughter died eight days after she was born for cause innocent kiss

According to 19-year-old Abigail Rose, on her Facebook account, little Aliza Rose was born without a problem, but at 36 hours she started having problems.

After observing the symptoms, the doctors began performing tests, which determined that the girl had contracted the HSV-1 virus that caused her to develop neonatal herpes.

"She was born in good health and had almost 9 KILOS She was healthy for a day and a half before the HV-1 virus connected to her spine and eats her lungs and brain" declared the mother in a publication.

The virus was contracted after a person touched the girl without washing her hands or kissing her according to Abigail. Aliza died after a few days.

"Anyone can be a wearer and not show signs! It's fatal for at least two weeks and parents can also pbad them on! Help us save more lives of babies sharing our story and do not kiss babies, wash your hands, do not kiss babies, "explained the mother.

Aliza's death occurred in May, but her mother dared to tell her story to warn other mothers of the dangers to which a baby may be exposed and that no one can imagine.

The publication of Abigail already has more than 36,000 comments and has been shared almost 300,000 times.


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