The Honduran Episcopal Conference condemns the aggression against the bishops of Nicaragua • El Nuevo Diario


The Episcopal Conference of Honduras today condemned the physical aggression suffered by the bishops in a basilica on Monday in the city of Diriamba in Nicaragua and expressed its solidarity.

The religious body said in a statement that the bishops "deeply regret and condemn" The aggression against Nicaraguan Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes and the Apostolic Nuncio Stanislaw Waldemar Sommertag, among others. "

Monday, a group of parapolices violently broke into the Basilica of San Sebastian, where they badaulted several bishops and journalists, including The Apostolic Nuncio, Cardinal Brenes and Bishop Silvio Báez

The aggression took place when the bishops went to Diriamba to release a group of Franciscan nurses and missionaries besieged by the parapolices of the temple

[19659002] "The Episcopal Conference of Honduras with all the Honduran people wants to show its support , solidarity and accompaniment in all its pastoral action ", add the Honduran bishops

. They point out that the Church that "pilgrimage to Nicaragua now has to bear the pain and suffering of all the Nicaraguan people."

"We unite with so many Episcopal Conferences and particular Churches that have expressed a precious witness of communion to raise together a plea and a prayer to Heavenly Father, asking for peace and justice in Nicaragua, asking for his Church and for every person and family who lives in C & # 39; is a danger, a threat and Uncertainty. "

Honduran bishops urged Nicaraguan counterparts to" not lose faith and hope and continue to proclaim the Kingdom of God, which is justice, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. " -Find. "

" May our humble supplications give us the grace to see a true, honest, open, transparent, sincere, democratic dialogue, thus overcoming any difference and restoring peace in Nicaragua, "the statement added.

The Nicaraguan Episcopal Conference mediates and witnesses the national dialogue to which we expect. overcome the crisis that has claimed at least 320 lives in the nation of Central America.

The Nicaraguan bishops on Monday suspended work tables created to overcome the crisis in the country because of the physical aggression suffered by the clerics.

The episcopate had cited at the verification and security table, as well as at the electoral table, but not at justice, to revive the dialogue, but chose to postpone the two working tables after the events of Diriamba. [19659013] [ad_2]
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