The hospital will be una "ruleta rusa" by resistencia a antibiticos


"A futuro, al hospital podra ser una apuesta", afirma el doctor Peter Sgaard Jrgensen, of the Centro de Resiliencia de la Universidad de Estocolmo.

Jrgensen ilustra as las consecuencias de lo que califica como tasas alarmantes de resistencia to the antibiticos. Sin nuevas formas de premierarlo, seala, las bacterial infections are "difciles o imposible of tratar".

In a publo publicado in the revista Nature Sustainability, investigators of 18 centers of Europa, Norteamrica, Australia, Brasil, China India, directed by Jrgensen, between the results of a study in the same as that of algunas bacterias gram negativa, enters las las patenos tan comunes como las E. coli and Salmonella, causing gastroenteritis the primera of ellas, and the K. pneumoniae, responsible for septicemia and infections of the respiratory tract and urinarias, who are highly resistant to the prevalence of the existing antibiticos.

Los investigadoros crearon a modelo para estimar el nivel de resistencia de bacterias ante antibiticos, estableciendo zonas of riesgo that van desde segura (no hay resistencia), incierta (the patgenos resisten solo has a frmaco) y sobrepasada regionalmente (pocos antibiticos efect ivos) o globally (ninguno funciona). El mismo esquema is used to evaluate the resistance of herbicides and pesticides used in cultivars and transgenic. "Tanto los antibiticos como los pesticides and y herbicidas evaluados han sobrepasado la zona segura", said the authorities, who hoped that in the case of agroforestry, there would be more than one herbicide, which would have been regional. Su accine, sealan, haecho that ms malezas vuelvan multirresistentes to herbicidas.

Efecto ecosistmico

Jos Munita, acadmico of the Faculty of Medicina Clnica Alemana-Universidad del Desarrollo, destaca the mirada ecolgica del estudio, al advertir that The use of anti-biting drugs has not been successful in preventing bacterial diseases, since the vaccine is being used to control susceptible bacteria, which have been used to protect the ability of the people to produce an infection.

An ejemplo es the limitada habilidad of the microbiota humana to recover a tratamiento against the bacterium Clostridium difficult, causing of diarrhea severas.

Munita, director del Ncleo Milenio para Investigacin Colaborativa in Resistencia Antimicrobiana (MICROB-R), that was inaugurated maana in El marco de la semana mundial de la concientizacin del uso de los antibiticos, destaca que para poder to scale the magnitud of resistance to los ant ibiticos in Chile, este centro badizar cmo surge la resistencia, cunto antibitico was used to level the hospital and farm in tambura, ganadera y salmonicultura, y that determined that the resistant bacteria propagated in nuestro pas.

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