The incidents at Liceo Darío Salas resulted in 7 detainees, including the Inspector General


By a statement, the center for high school parents expresses its rejection of what has happened, saying that "under the pretext of blatant crimes, the" carabineros "violated the autonomy of the school. 39; establishment. "

This day was recorded new clashes between the staff of the carabinieri and the hooded . The scene, this time, was that of Liceo Darío Salas, where seven people were arrested

Among those arrested, according to the police, there would be four for disturbances and three for being opposed to the action of the Carabineers, among whom is the inspector general of the campus, an inspector and an paraquat.

As indicated, in the midst of the incidents, 70 hooded individuals stopped the movement with barricades and when personnel arrived from special forces, blunt objects were launched and Molotov badtails for police personnel remaining in the area

This would have motivated the entry of personnel into the teaching sector, which provoked the intervention of teachers.

Daniel Barrera of the Third Central Police Station. Among the detainees are two adults and a minor. In the case of the teachers, they were arrested to oppose the fact that police officers identified the people who had badaulted them.

In a statement, the center for high school parents expressed its rejection of the bill. it was produced, claiming that "under the pretext of flagrant crimes", the carabinieri "violated the autonomy of the establishment exposing our entire community to violence disproportionate "

and denouncing the" repressive "act. ", Insisted that" we can not naturalize the excessive use of force. "They say that the provisions of the article relating to egregious crimes have not been respected because "Police forces entered the establishment by throwing tear gas and using pellet guns into the community leaving behind a series of injuries. "

They also add that the situation" is particularly surprising if it is considered that, according to the information available, no charges have been brought against the wounded or the detainees, leaving evidence that only reduces police violence. "

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