The incredible transformation of a teenager who has been removed from a facial tumor


Kambou Sie's life has changed dramatically after an aggressive tumor began to develop on one of her cheeks. Over the years, the face of the Aboriginal youth of Ivory Coast, changed so much that he began to be rejected by his community and by his own family.

The years pbaded and the aggressive mbad spread all over the boy's face who, without any treatment, began to lose all his features.

Courtesy Daily Mail

However, thanks to the support of his father, who was the only person who remained by his side, managed to improve his quality of life.

According to the Daily Mail, 14 months ago, Kambou arrived at the Napoli Pascale Hospital in Italy for treatment. Tests revealed that the tumor was a rare form of cancer called Burkitt lymphoma, that attacks the immune system.

In this photo, doctors gave him chemotherapy, radiation, and stem cell replacement for six months to reduce the tumor.

Courtesy of Daily Mail

"When I arrived here, I was often scared. I think fear was all I felt. my nose was blocking my eyesight, I had to pbad my nose to see, "said the young man.

"Three days after the start of chemotherapy, I realized that I did not need to run to see ."


The professionals managed to eradicate I am very happy because when I go out, I do not cry I am happy to meet people. I'm having fun, I'm playing, I do not have any problems, I'm very happy, "he said.

Courtesy Daily Mail

Now , professionals strive to rebuild the boy's face, explained the doctors. Several surgeries disappeared because the right side of the boy's face was covered with an undeveloped cheek

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