The indivisible video game shows an advance of its opening animated by Studio Trigger


  The indivisible video game shows a lead of its opening animated by Studio Trigger

10 JUL 2018 / Video Games

Popular cartoon creators such as Kill la Kill and the recent Darling in the FRANXX are in charge of opening this RPG.

Indivisible The new game of the creators of Skullgirls has published a small preview of what will be the opening of this RPG. This animation was animated by Studio Trigger creators of popular animated series such as Kill La Kill and Darling in the FRANXX.

Indivisible developed by Lab Zero Games will debut in the first half of 2019 and will be available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC

Indivisible will be a 2D RPG with Ajna, a girl who makes a trip to discover the truth after her mysterious powers.

It should be noted that during the E3 a trailer of this game was presented where it was possible to see the gameplay and graphic style that will have the title funded by the "crowdfunding" Indiegogo.

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