The industry rejects Marchionne, the executive who resurrected Fiat


Sergio Marchionne, who died at the age of 66 for his keen business sense, will always be remembered, and when he became the boss of Fiat, he decided to Take off his tie until the Italian brand.

On June 1, Marchionne returned wearing this male accessory several years after replacing it with his usual dark colored vests.

It was the day of the crisis. who presented Fiat Chrysler Automobiles' Strategic Plan (FCA) 2018-2022, in which he announced that the Italian-American group would have a "positive" net financial position at the end of June.

Marchionne, Graduate in Law and Philosophy he recognizes being alone, because when someone occupies a position of power, "collective guilt does not exist".

He also says that his father, marshal of carabinieri, came to choose the color of a taxi. , because he considered that philosophy was useless and badumed that Sergio's fate was destined to try to survive by driving a rental car.

"Unfortunately, what we feared happened: Sergio, the man The former FCA president, John Elkann, announced in a note on Tuesday

that he did not want participate in politics before July 21. His job was to make vehicles, trucks and tractors.And he should not have hurt it, since Fiat's turnover has gone from 47 billion euros in 2004 to 141 billion last year .The losses of 1,500 million euros in 2004 were transformed, in 2007, into a net profit of 4,400 million euros. In 2017, FCA increased its net profit by 93% to 3,510 million euros

Born in Chieti, Italy, on June 17, 1952, he had dual Italian and Canadian citizenship .

Master in Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Windsor (Canada), began his professional career in that country and subsequently consolidated his career in Switzerland.

He began as a tax accountant at Deloite & Touche, between 1983 and 1985. He was then Director of Corporate Development for the Lawson Mardon Group, until 1988, Vice President of Glenex Industries between 1989 and 1990, then vice-president of finance at Ackland (1990-1992) and vice-president of the legal sector. from Lawson Group (1992-1994).

Between 1994 and 2000, he held various positions of responsibility with the Swiss aluminum giant Algroup, until becoming its CEO.

Later, he became executive director of the group. Lonza chemical group, Algroup split of which he was chairman in 2002, year when he became head of the company certification and inspection Société Générale de Surveillance (SGS).

During his tenure, he restructured and made profitable the Swiss group, controlled by the Agnelli family, and became a member of the board of directors of Fiat Automobile, in 2003 .

A year later, in June, was named – a proposal by Umberto Agnelli – CEO of Fiat, which was going through its most serious crisis. And, in October, Ferrari.

His stated goal was to turn Fiat into the "Apple of the Automobile" and the Cinquecento model into his "Ipod."

In 2009, he merged Fiat with the American Chrysler He was appointed CEO of the new Italian-American group.

With Chyrsler, he did the same with Fiat, saved him and created with the Italians a group that brought together the best of both worlds

. Investor presentation in which he outlined his proposed merger with General Motors (GM), said he wanted to end the "dependence" on capital that destroyed the value of the auto industry.

For this, he proposed cooperation between major groups instead of multi-million dollar investments by brands or consortia, which he described as "pure economic loss"

According to him, the shared development of platforms and engines could generate significant savings for the industry.

The arrival of Donald Trump as President of the United States coincides with a $ 1 billion FCA investment in two of his US factories and the creation of two thousand new jobs.

Trump regarded it as a victory, after threatening the brands they made in Mexico instead of the United States. However, Marchionne reminded him that the aforementioned investment plan had already been announced a year earlier.

"I think the best way to honor his memory was to keep the example that he left as a treasure, to cultivate the values ​​of humanity, the responsibility and the the open-mindedness of those who were still promoters, "added Elkann, now president of FCA and Ferrari, in the note.

Marchionne had already announced his retirement from FCA for 2019 and Ferrari for 2021.

Sin However, on July 21, the boards of directors of FCA and Ferrari, at a meeting of Emergency, decided "because of health problems" after a shoulder operation. They chose Mike Manley as FCA's substitute and Louis Camilleri for Ferrari.

Relaunching FCA Group Brands

This Italian, although raised in Canada, was the visionary and the architect of the possibility of merging with the group. American Chrysler in 2009, which revived the family group Agnelli, although now with the legal seat in Amsterdam (Holland) and the prosecutor in London.

Marchionne, considered a tough guy, had major clashes with industry unions, skipping the collective agreement, but also with the business badociation (Confindustria), which left in 2011 after several divergences and which at the time was a resounding fact.

He also relaunched the American group's brands as a Jeep, which he considered "the flagship of the company", with the launch in Europe of models such as the new Wrangler and the new Cherokee.

In Italy, bet on the Pom Igliano plant (south) where the new Panda is manufactured and reinvented new models such as the 500L and three new Lancia: Ypsilon, Voyager and Flavia.

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