"The Intendance is open to Sandra Amar when she wants to come"


L a
newly appointed mayor of Magallanes, María Teresa Castañón,
participated yesterday morning in two activities before baduming
officially as the highest regional authority; the first thing took
knowledge of the fire of the Navy Maritime Governorate in the
Antarctica, then visited with the spokesman of the government, Cecilia
Perez, Center of Rehabilitation of the Lions Club of Cruz del Sur.

a brief ceremony held yesterday afternoon in the living room
Nelda Panicucci from the municipality, where she was accompanied by all
seremis and the governors of the provinces of Magallanes, last
Esperanza, Tierra del Fuego and Antarctica, Mayor Castañón signed
the documents that make it official in the office.

the act, said that "I receive this charge with great humility, with a lot
responsibility, it's a big challenge. Here the important thing is citizenship and
nothing stops to keep going. Projects continue as they are,
there were no setbacks. "

from a rather hectic first day, he stressed, in a conciliatory tone, that "the
The main call is to unity, we need everyone so that the
progress in the region and work to improve the quality of life of all
Magellanics. "

In addition,
added that "it is important that we work in teams with the mayors,
advisers, regional councilors, parliamentarians, government, media
communication, regardless of ideology. "

Tanned Rendezvous

reference to the strong criticism he received from different sectors
to resign abruptly as adviser, Castañón
He said "I can talk about politics whatever you want and that time
I explained that it was a personal problem. "

Then, with a little annoyance, he stressed that "I have never talked about my life
private or that of other people. Therefore, it is a closed subject.
Let's go ahead, do not stay in the small, Magellan is for big
things, but he needs us all.

This is an Intention of doors
open, all good ideas are welcome and that's the house of
the Magellan


part of his badumption of responsibility, the highest authority emphasized that "this
the challenge summons me to a complex moment, "in clear and direct allusion to
the political crisis that followed the removal of the now ex
Intendant Christian Matheson and the former spokesman of the regional government,
Yanira Lara, who has professed harsh criticism about how
They had to resign.

On this he replied that the ungrateful moment was overcome "with the work and doing it as a team by Magallanes."

What did you think of the reactions of parliamentarians and mayors? Walls and Radonich for his appointment?

"I think it happens when something is fast and untimely, now it does not just happen in our area, it happened to everyone." [19659005] – When do you intend to speak with Assistant Sandra Amar?

she wants to come, she will always be welcome, as the
parliamentarians and mayors. Everyone is welcome in the Stewardship. "

thanked the ministerial support of the Secretary-General
Government, Cecilia Pérez, during her installation at the post, "the
Minister Perez is a very conciliatory person and today, she has come to
accompany us mandated by President Sebastián Piñera. "


remaining charges to be completed in the Development Seremi
Social and Government, the regional government headquarters has informed that
this morning, at 11 am, Mayor Castañón will present the
new seremis.

@ JoséBenítez

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