The Internal Government Commission refused to require the permanent permanence of migrants to receive social benefits


The government's proposal regarding the requirement for two-year migrants to obtain social benefits in the country was rejected by the Interior Government Committee of the Lower House.

The government's plan established that, for example, for foreigners to be able to access the March premium, they had to hold the permanent residence visa, two years after their arrival. However, the initiative was rejected.

The rejection of the executive proposal results in a further defeat in migration, this after the approval of the principle of "non-refoulement" which, according to La Moneda, prevents the expulsion of foreigners.

In this regard, the Undersecretary of the Interior, Rodrigo Ubilla, said that a confusing image is generated. "If the alien arrives before December 31, he can have his March bonus and leave at the end of March. This condition, nowhere in the world. It is badumed that the benefits of exclusively fiscal charges (…) are always delivered according to the roots, and it seems to me that two months is absolutely ridiculous. "

The government's initiative got the support of the six ruling party member Renzo Trisotti said that the reality of the country does not allow the provision of immediate benefits to migrants. "We believe that given the circumstances and taking into account of the reality of our country where many of these benefits can not even be guaranteed directly to the Chileans themselves, we demand that this two-year period be established. "

From the opposition, they accused the government to lie, pointing out that the executive was proposing to them to reach an interim period of one year, but that La Moneda's response was negative. "When he points out that parliamentarians do not understand that we have created obstacles in the process and that we do not want any agreements, it's totally wrong, what we gave him here is still a day to reach an intermediate point, in order to reach an agreement in which we can also clarify some suspicions generated by the news that they give us, "said Socialist MP Daniella Cicardini.

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