The interplanetary threat scares scientists: Bacteria move in space and arrive more aggressive on Earth


A group of Russian scientists expressed concern after strains of bacteria of the Bacillus subtilis species increased their resistance to six antimicrobial drugs, out of eight badyzed, after spending 31 months on the International Space Station . 19659002] According to the Ria Novosti agency, experts have warned that the most resistant and aggressive strains have survived various adverse factors, so when they return to Earth, they will be stronger than before. For this reason, they have indicated that mutated bacteria can become a real danger to our planet.

In this sense, it was stated that for tests, 68 types of organisms were selected, from vertebrate bacteria to higher plants

. "Since it has been shown that living organisms can survive in space, hypothetically, in the distant future, it is possible that foreign substances enter Earth from other planets, as well as Other terrestrial microorganisms have come back, traveled in space, visited another planet and transformed themselves into its atmosphere in an unknown way, "says the specialists' report.

The full results of the study will be informed at the meeting of the International Space Research Committee which will be developed this month in the United States.


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