The investment of foreigners in Chile goes to the historical level


The first four-month period has accumulated net flows that already exceed the 2017 total by 24.3%.

Signs of a more and more stable economic recovery do not stop to happen. If the latest monthly indicator of economic activity (Imacec) was surprised to find that business grew 4.9% from one year to the next in May, this year 's business was up. Now is the turn of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Chile month of the year has reached its highest level since there are records. That is, since 2003.

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According to information provided by InvestChile, based on Central Bank figures, between January and April of this year, $ 8,475 million dollars went into the country, an amount that exceeds 24.3% the record of all last year, which equates to an increase of 655% over the same period of 2017.

The figure has led by reinvested earnings, a component that totaled US $ 4,240 million over the period. This is followed by net equity investments of $ 2,346 million and, in third place, debt instruments of US $ 1,889 million.

According to the Minister of the Economy, José Ramón Valente, the record "is another sign that shows that the recovery of the Chilean economy is materializing."

In his vision, the historical performance of IDS reveals "a change of pace that ratifies the rebound of our economy and shows that investor confidence in doing business in our country is strengthening." [19659005] The state secretary claimed that the greatest interest of foreign investors "is very good news for all Chileans as this means that foreign investors are deciding to leave more resources in our country, entrepreneurs who have already decided to reinvest in Chile and new investors have decided to come to our country. "

Meanwhile, for the director (s) of InvestChile, Ian Frederick, the figure" is without no doubt marked by transactions of high amounts in our country, both acquisition of companies, which demonstrates the confidence of foreign companies in our market. "

From his point of view," Chile has a pa ssé important as a recipient of foreign investment and with attributes that stand out in the region. To this we added a better ability to attract investment, and the political will – led by the Ministry of Economy – to accelerate and facilitate the development of international trade in the country. That's what we see reflected in these figures, which, as an agency, invite us to continue working. "

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