The joker of migrants: the government staged a strong communication around a plane carrying 179 Haitians


By the time the government loses control of the program of public opinion, dominated by the facts related to the crime of Camilo Catrillanca, especially the disputed actions of the Ministry of the Interior and Carabinieri, l & rsquo; Executive makes a second return flight for 179 Haitians who have signed up to board an FACH plane back in their country.

"These two weeks were housed in a church in Central Station, and we gave priority to this group as they left their living conditions, many of them coming from Outside of Santiago and it seemed logical to be able to prioritize them, "said Deputy Secretary of the Interior, Rodrigo Ubilla, of Santiago International Airport.

According to Ubilla, there is a list of 1554 people. In total, they registered to participate in this return program, which the government described as a "humanitarian return." A total of 339 people joined this measure.

"This is a clear demonstration of the interest of citizens to return to their country, since in Chile they have not found the expectations that motivated them to travel.We believe that this program of return is a clear need, so satisfied, "said Ubilla.

On her return from Port-au-Prince, the Boeing 767 Air Force will land in Caracas to retrieve 100 Chilean citizens who had requested help from the Chancery's Return to the country. "According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, our compatriots residing in Venezuela, who are suffering from difficult living conditions (…), have asked the government to receive help for the return to the country," he said. plane, back in the evening, will be a stop in Caracas, "said Ubilla

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