The judge who imprisoned Lula will be "superintendent" of Jair Bolsonaro | WORLD


The newly elected Brazilian President, Jair Bolsonaro, has recruited Judge Sergio Moro as the next "super director", adding to his team an emblematic figure of the fight against corruption, one of his main campaign flags .

The Ministry of Justice will absorb, under the direction of the magistrate who became famous at the head of the operation Lava Jato, the public security portfolio, created in February to try to coordinate the efforts of states in the fight against organized crime.

"Federal Judge Sergio Moro has accepted our invitation to the Ministry of Justice and Public Security.Your anti-corruption agenda, organized and organized, in accordance with the Constitution and laws, will be our North!" Tweeted Bolsonaro.

"After a personal meeting at which the policies of this portfolio were discussed, I accepted invitation," said Moro, who was received for nearly two hours by Bolsonaro at his home in Barra from Tijuca (west of Rio de Janeiro).

"The prospect of implementing a strong program against corruption and organized crime, while respecting the Constitution, the law and rights, led me to make this decision" said Moro, 46 ​​years old.

The execution of Moro, trial judge of Curitiba (south), is identified with the operation Lava Jato, who since 2014 revealed an extensive network of bribes paid by construction companies politicians from almost all parties to obtain contracts with Petrobras, a public company.

Their sentences They imprisoned personalities such as the executive Marcelo Odebrecht (former president of the construction company Odebrecht) and the former left-wing president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who has been serving since April a 12-year sentence and one month in jail for pbadive bribery and money laundering.

Lula's defense, who has always denounced a political bias in Moro's decisions, called for the absolution of the left-wing leader in another case (related to the purchase of land by Odebrecht for the construction of the Lula Institute in San Pablo). , alleging that Moro's integration with the Bolsonaro government would show that his client is a victim of "lawfare". (use of laws for the purpose of political persecution).

For its part. The Workers' Party (PT) said yesterday that Judge Moro, responsible in the first instance of the country's biggest anti-corruption operation, "shows his partiality to Lava Jato by agreeing" to be Minister of Justice of the future government of the elected president, Jair Bolsonaro.

"The scam of the century! Judge Sergio Moro will be the Justice Minister of the Government of Jair Bolsonaro, who was elected only because Lula was unjustly sentenced and prevented from participating in the elections ", said PT President Gleisi Hoffmann on her Twitter profile.


Sergio Moro is the appointed fifth minister of the future cabinet of President-elect Jair Bolsonaro, winner on Sunday with 55% of the vote. mandate on 1 January 2019.

The others are General Augusto Heleno Ribeiro de la Défense; Onyx Lorenzoni, deputy cabinet minister, ultra-liberal economist Paulo Guedes, leader of a superministerium of the economic region, and Brazilian astronaut Marcos Pontes in science and technology.

conservative profile.

Bolsonaro announces that Brazil will move its embbady to Israel to Jerusalem; Netanyahu salutes him

Brazil's elected president, Jair Bolsonaro, has confirmed his intention to transfer his country's embbady to Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

"As we stated during the campaign, we intend to transfer the Brazilian Embbady from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Israel is a sovereign state and we respect it", reminded Bolsonaro on his Twitter profile.

Bolsonaro told an Israeli newspaper that he was planning to move his country's embbady to Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Asked by Israel Hayom about his plans for the establishment of the Brazilian Embbady in Jerusalem, Bolsonaro said that Israel should be free to choose its capital.

"When they asked me, during the campaign, if I would do it when I was president, I replied" yes, it's up to you who decide what is the capital of Israel, not other nations, "he said in an interview published Thursday by the newspaper in favor of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Netanyahu estimated that Bolsonaro's victory "would lead to a great friendship between (their) peoples and the strengthening of relations between Brazil and Israel".

One of the officials in his office told AFP that the first Minister will attend "most likely" at the inauguration ceremony in Brazil

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