The Julian festival was lit in Guayaquil | Community | Guayaquil


An authentic part with joy, civility and hospitality lived the citizens of Buenos Aires who were posted yesterday at the monument of the Rotunda and shared with more than 400 crews of international sailboats that were at the opening of the month of Julian.

Along 9 de Octubre avenue, the proclamation for the 483 years of the founding process was developed with the participation of ten naval academies who carried the tricolor flags of the country and the celestial and white Guayaquil.

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The students pbaded seriously while the team greeted with the public, said the name of their country and held its patriotic symbols like Peruvians and Argentines.

The Guayas BAE team He dressed in typical costumes of the montuvios and natives, as well as the Chileans as araucanians. His step was with the mix of sounding tapes that reproduced the "Guayaquileño Guerrero Wood."

It was the preamble of what would be a popular festival with traditional music in the Hemiciclo of Rotonda and in which the "Viva Guayaquil" was reproduced among the citizens.

Rita Heraz, like many citizens, sought to have a memory of taking pictures with aspirants, guests of the city until today.

Leonel Bustamante and his wife Esther Moncayo to dance while the bands were singing tropical rhythms. Armed sailors like those from Peru and Argentina joined this fervor, dancing with the public, including older adults. "As always the slogan we have, Guayaquil: welcoming and welcoming," said Leonel danced

On Saturday, the crew had an artistic show. (I)

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