The latest Hawking article is now online


When Stephen Hawking, icon of science dies and probably the most important physicist after Einstein the world finds itself without one of its most visionary scientists. However, perhaps as a comfort, his latest article was published in ArXiv, showing that even during his last days, Hawking posed remarkable questions about the cosmos, which defined his entire career in physics. The title of the article is "Entropy Black Hole and Soft Hair", article co-authors of which are physicists Sasha Haco, Malcolm Perry and Andrew Strominger.

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" We are very saddened by the loss of our dear friend and collaborator Stephen Hawking, whose contributions to the physics of black holes have kept it to the point of arousing vital stimulation, "commented his colleagues on the second page of his article. . "This article summarizes the state of our long-term project in large diffeomorphisms and the quantum structure of black holes until the end of our life together."

This book is the third part of a series of the team dealing with the original Hypermaresis of peddling, the paradox of information in black holes. This paradox emerges from the lack of coherence between quantum field theory and general relativity. In the smallest scale of matter, where atoms and quarks are so close together, there are sets of rules that seem to be violated on a larger scale of matter when we talk about stars and of galaxies. The search for the theory of all that reconciles these two models is one of the great problems of physics has been one of Hawking's fascinations.

"Look up to the stars and not down to your feet. So the universe exists, be curious, as difficult as life may seem, there is always something you can what is important is not to give up. "
Stephen Hawking pic.twitter .com / gk5zWS6wXe

– literland (@ literlandweb1) ] October 16, 2018

According to the laws of physics according to the standard model, it should be impossible to have the information of a particle: its spin, its configuration, its mbad and d & # 39; other features, the power to erase all of this from the universe. But … what happens when the particle falls into a black hole? What happens to the particle information when it reaches the horizon of events? Here is the problem of paradox. Is particle information lost? And if I do not lose it, how can I access it?

Hawking actually suggests that the information could be erased through the "Hawking Radiation", which is a type of theoretical radiation that can escape from the black hole. This process, however, has never been observed empirically, but radiation could supposedly eliminate all the information on the original properties, which would violate the rules of the universe as we know it.

In his last article Hawking and his colleagues speculate on the phenomenon called "soft hair", which could solve the aforementioned paradox. The idea is that remnants of light and gravity particles could surround the event horizon and ultimately save entropic information from the material that enters a black hole.

It must be said that this article does not solve the paradox, but it takes a step forward towards a possible solution or at least towards understanding the most complex concepts of the universe. Hawking is deeply engaged in these questions and, to commemorate his great achievements, this article is undoubtedly one of the most important in this regard.

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