The leader was fired for forcing a woman whose life was in danger for her child | International


A moving case of workplace abuse has been reported on social media in recent days. The protagonist is a young woman from Michigan (USA) called Crystal Reynolds Fisher who reports that her boss "Dawn" She threatened dismissal and forced her to work on the days when her son was risking his life. l & # 39; hospital.

The two exchanged text messages for a few hours. Crystal explained to her boss that she could not go to work because her son was in the hospital with serious health risks.

"I must tell you that my son still runs the risk of life and does not improve I will not be able to go to work." I can warn you when he is better and that he can return to work without problems, "Reynolds said.

At this time, his boss replied: "This is not how we do things, "

From this moment, the situation became tense between the two, since Crystal Reynolds insisted that she was not leaving her job, but that she had to take care of However, Dawn simply said: "The fact that you can not work means that you resign from the position" Fisher stated that he would report the situation to workers' organizations, to which his supervisor reacted

"I'm not going to talk to you here, but I liked you during all these authorized schedule changes and all the rest." There's no reason why you can not work and I will not tolerate the drama End of the conversation If you are not here to work v your quarter tomorrow, I will take it as you left it. "

As expected, Crystal Reynolds Fisher denounced this situation to the chain of service stations" Fork Oil ", who made the decision to dismiss the supervisor of his position.

] "We investigated and found that the situation was poorly managed and without the compbadion we appreciate as a business. Therefore, we feel very much the situation experienced by a worker, "they argued

adding:" As a result of this discovery, we took quick action and "PS Manager Mart & # 39; ; no longer employs this manager. We also reaffirmed to our employee that she will be able to take the time she needs during this difficult time. We would like to thank the public for their concern, "detailed in social networks.

It should be noted that the complaint filed by Reynolds on Facebook has been shared in over 74 thousand times and has had more than 17 support comments .

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