The length of your fingers reveals if you are gay!


A study from the University of Esbad (UK) showed that if a woman had the ring finger and the index (2D: 4D) of different length, it is more likely that she is bad or bibadual.

One of the researchers, led by Dr. Tuesday Watts, examined several pairs of identical twins in which one of the brothers was heterobadual and the other homobadual. The results showed that homobadual twins generally had a greater difference between the length of their index finger and the ring fingers, especially women.

"Because identical twins, who share 100% of their genes, may differ in their badual orientation, other factors than genetics should explain these differences," Watts Daily Mail quotes.

Of the 18 pairs of identical twins studied, bibadual or bad sisters tended to have a greater difference in the 2D: 4D ratio, although only in the left hand. In addition, the ring fingers and index finger of their heterobadual sisters were about the same size.

According to scientists, this phenomenon would be related to exposure to the male bad hormone testosterone in the uterus, the female reproductive organ. Women exposed to higher testosterone levels are more likely to be bibadual or homobadual.



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