The "malicious" side of pandas: a woman has contracted a painful illness after fondling one of these adorable animals


Sophie Ward (age 24) chose Beijing, China, as a destination for her vacation in 2008, where she attended with her family to attend the Olympic Games. At that time, I did not know that petting a panda would change the course of his life

After the trip, the British and national swimming champion began to feel bad, suffered pains, infections, migraines , discomfort and intolerance to the throat.

Although the discomfort began a few hours later, it took four years for the symptoms to get worse to the point of having to leave school, swim and dream of being an Olympic champion.

"My muscles and joints hurt a lot, I kept going to the doctors, but they treated all these things separately," she says.

The woman, who remained undiagnosed, was getting worse every day. "My health got worse but I started to hide the symptoms and lie because I felt people did not believe me," she says.


Nine years after her visit to China, she was diagnosed. Lyme, a bacterial infection that infects ticks can infect humans.

According to the inferences they were able to make, Ward was bitten by a tick when he petted a panda during his trip to China.

"My Olympic dream shattered was heartbreaking, a tick completely changed my life," she confessed.

Sophie is now using herbal treatment because her body is too weak to take antibiotics. and encourage research on Lyme disease.

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