The man kept his mother and sister locked up with 10 dogs in Spain | International


A man was arrested in Spain for allegedly locking up his mother and sister in his home, in rooms they shared with ten dogs forced to do their homework the police announced Thursday.

The 35-year-old man, whom the police did not identify, was arrested in Seville (south) on suspicion of unlawful detention, ill-treatment, threats and serious injuries against his mother and her sister, the latter handicapped 77% of the physics, says the statement

He gave them a few permits to leave and it is in one of them that & # 's 39 They went to a police station to file a complaint, despite the repeated death threats that the man made to them with a gun and a machete

The suspect tied them up and left them only clean once in a while.

He also did not allow them to feed himself in his presence and "once he was gone three days from home and so the victims were three days without food," police said .

To avoid their escape, their rooms could be closed from the outside.

"The officers once they inspected the house they could check that both victims shared these two rooms with the dogs that were doing their needs in the same as the women, in addition to cleaning themselves in cubes because that they did not allow them to use the bathroom, "the text said.

the police did not specify when the delivery began, but reported that the mother lost 20 kilos and "was in a personal and unhygienic situation."

This case was reminiscent of an American couple who kept her 13 children captive in her home. California house, some were tied to the beds in unsanitary conditions, in a case that caused stupor in the United States.

In 2015, the police arrested a family in the south of Spain Mbre and a woman who kept their 59-year-old brother locked in a small room e without a roof adjacent to his house, naked on a dirty mattress and with cubes that served as bathroom.

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