The man who was recorded insulted a woman of color: "I am not racist"


A man whose tirade aboard an economic flight from Europe made the headlines around the world apologized, claiming that he was not a man. He was not racist.

Millions of people have now seen the online images of David Mesher qualifying. a 77-year-old woman in the role of an "ugly black woman" and screaming: "Do not speak to me in a foreign language, you are a stupid cow" .

Mesher, questioned by the police On October 19, the police announced a "bad temper" .

Speaking of "The incident of a Ryanair flight connecting Barcelona to London-Stansted Airport on 19 October Morning Britain" From his home in Birmingham, England , Mesher said he lost control of Delsie Gayle, 77, following a dispute over the allocation of seats.

He told the ITV1 program: ] "I probably lost my temper and ordered him to get up" .

"I am by no means a racist person and I think it is simply an attack of bad mood."

"I apologize for all the anxieties you had there- low and since then. "

The man who mistreated an elderly black pbadenger on board a Ryanair flight is excused for this explanation, claiming that it does not happen. was not racist and that he was partly responsible for the incident that had taken off.

For more information:

– Good Morning Britain (@GMB) October 26, 2018 [19659011ButhisapologiesarrivingaweekaftertheepisodewascapturedbyanotherpbadengerwererejectedbyGayle also present in the series.

When asked if he accepted the apology, he replied, "I do not think so, I have to forget and forgive, but it will take a long time to overcome what he's doing." did. "

His daughter Carol, who was also on the run, added:" He says that he was not racist, but he would not say such words if he did not it was not. racista "

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The carrier s & # 39; excuse

The incident occurred while the plane was down Barcelona Airport and the Ryanair line operator received many criticisms for not having properly resolved the situation and changed Gayle's siege instead of removing Mesher from the flight.

Gayle and her daughter both reiterated their criticisms of the airline, saying they had not heard of Ryanair directly yet.

The airline issued a detailed statement on Twitter about the episode Friday, a week after its outbreak. He said he only heard of the outbreak one day later, after which he reported the incident to the police in Esbad, where he found himself. Stansted Airport.

"We have provided the police with a copy of the video and the relevant details of the two pbadengers involved.These fast actions refute the false claims that Ryanair would not have responded" promptly "or" appropriately ""

Robin Kiely, communications manager at Ryanair, added: " Once again, we offer our sincerest apologies to this pbadenger for the regrettable and unacceptable remarks that he made. he addressed to another pbadenger and we believe that by immediately reporting this matter to the Esbad Police and apologizing in writing to that customer on Sunday morning, Ryanair he dealt with the The urgency and seriousness that he has justified. "

More than 300,000 people have now signed an online petition asking the airline to apologize and indemnify Gayle.

A spokesman for the Esbad Police told the AP Agency: "There are agreed national protocols to follow when incidents are reported in another country." As such, we will conduct an investigation to present it to the Spanish authorities in due time. "

UPDATE: Please sign these petitions to continue the good fight! Https:// to compensate-delsie-gayle-for-racist-abuse-on-your-flight boycott-ryanair-for-failure-to-provide-duty-of recruiter = 907313332 & utm_source = share_petition & utm_medium = copylian & utm_campaign = share_petition A RACISTIC MAN REFUSED FROM SITTER NEARBY BLACK WOMAN & utm_campaign & utm_campaign = share_petition !!! #Racist #whiteprivilege #ryanair #BLACKHISYORYMONTH #racehate #nationalhatecrimeawarenessweek

Posted by David Lawrence on Friday, October 19, 2018

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