The millionaire steals from the offices of the Seremi del Medio Ambiente


U n
robbery millionaire suffered yesterday afternoon the dependencies of the
Ministerial Regional Secretariat for the Environment of Punta Arenas, this
after unknown people came in and stole various species of
l & # 39; inside.

according to the complaint received by the Communication Center
(Cenco) on Carabineros phone 133, about 17 hours of
yesterday, antisocial entered office offices
ministerial and stole various species

the place was the environment's hound, Eduardo Schiappacbade
Dasati, who during the examination of the place, noticed that foreigners
entered into said dependencies break one of the glbades of the
back of the property, located at Avenida Bulnes 01040, upon arrival
at Manantiales Street.

In this reading gar,
antisocial groups managed to subtract several species, among which
they have a camera, a tax laptop, in addition to
another UN notebook that they kept in place.

Ministerial Regional Secretary for the Environment, Eduardo
Schiappacbade, badessed the species subtracted in 2 million pesos.

antecedents were made available to the Crown, where
The prosecutor on duty ordered that the proceedings be conducted by
the flight investigation brigade (BIRO) and the laboratory of
Criminalística (Lacrim) police investigation, to find
where the criminals are.

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